Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas came from?

I think ideas came from people's curiousity and imgaination. It comes from when people has a meeting and discuss about the new product. Like the movie E.T. they used their imagination to show how alien look. When they make an idea, they have to make a plan to visualise what the pros see. nd ideas are often born unexpectedly - from complexity, contradiction, and, more than anything else, perspective.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story - What makes a good story?

My favorite story is 'The Sniper' by Liam O' Flaherty. I liked the story because of the historical content like the Irish Civil War. I was surprised when the Irish Sniper got shot by a Republican Sniper. I was highly excited when the Irish Sniper tricked the Republican Sniper by putting the cap on the roof. Then the Republican Sniper shot the cap, the Irish Sniper's cap got shot and he pretended to be dead. Then the Irish Sniper shoots the enemy from far range with a revolver. The enemy drops dead. The Irish Sniper had escaped and was curious about who he killed. He went close to the dead body... which was his brother... The theme of this story is that Civil War rips family apart.