Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Colonization - Ethnocentricity

The conflict between the British and the Aboriginal was caused through ethnocentricity by the British colonizers. The British were highly respected by the Aboriginals even though they were wearing cloths and wigs. The Aboriginals were not respected by the British because they weren't "uncivilized". These two different people had, different race and way different culture. The British treated the Aborigines just because they were "uncivilized". They literally destroyed their culture, took kids away from them and destroyed the generations.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post

Australians should feel bad because, they had destroyed their culture, lands and took kids away from their family. We should feel revulsion because of what they did. Even though they were a half-caste you should not take them away from their family. People of Australia should all live in harmony and peace. But they lives had been really sad and depressing because of you guys taking away kids.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence

Molly could be a hero because a lot of the girls in the dormitory were too scared to run away, because they will get punished savagely. Molly decides to leave the dormitory when it was going to rain. The rain will erase their trails when they run away.She could be a hero also, because she takes her siblings with her when she runs away.