Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Learning Profile

My learning profile is KK which is Gestalt Dominant. I learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, the context and whether it is relevant to me. I process information through movement, emotion and intuition. I need to physically do what is being learned. Through touch and movement I am able to see more clearly and understand better what is being taught. When something is being taught i will do better when the teacher gives me an example or associates it with something I already know. I also have difficulty expressing myself both verbally and through writing until I have time to process internally the information. I would like my teachers to know that I can follow step-by-step visual and auditory cues when I am relaxed and comfortable. My biggest concern will be when I am asked to put all the pieces of information I get into something logical and then be able to communicate it to others. I hope that knowing how I learn will help me to become a better student.

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